Introduction To Python Begginers

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Introduction To Python Programming...

    There are a lot more programming languages in the world with various types of features, functions, and platforms, but today I'm talking about Python because of its popularity, easiness, power, and community based around it. Python is the best programming language for years by its full functionality and usage of more platforms like PC, web, mobile. Simply Python is an open-source programming language, but a more powerful, understandable high-level integrated coding language is the best answer to introduce Python. This language is invented by the Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum, and now, this language was developed by the Python software foundation. This programming language was mainly created using C (CPython) and some other languages like Java(JPython). 

    You can download Python IDLE on the Python official site. Python has an inbuilt library called PIP. this PIP package is also used in some Linux systems integrated with Python. Also, this PIP library using to install Python extra packages, run your Python programs, and preview them. You might need to install this correctly else you can't install extra packages or their outputs. I'll take about that in a future post. 

Python VS Some Other Popular Languages...

     Python is a powerful language but it is easier to understand even for people who are new to programming and fast compiling than other languages. Also, this programming language has a larger community around it even large companies, industrial developers, so you can easily get support for your Python-related problems and learning facts. And another useful thing is this language support 1000s of the package with various functionalities like GUI, Network, Database, Game Developing, OS developing, and more. 

Feature Python C Ruby Java
Python is easier to
use and understand
C  is a hard language
 to understand
compare to Python

Ruby is a complex
language to understand 
& learn to compare to

Java is a complex
language to use &
understand compare
 to Python
Normally Python
is a speed execute language
compare to others

C is a fast executing
compare to Python 
because it is a compiled language

Ruby is a slow
executer compared
to Python

Java programs are
 slower compared to Python

Variables Python supports
to change variable
format to other 
format during the

You can't change
variable formats
during the program.
It is a stable format
that you need to assign 
when making a variable
Ruby also supports to 
variables to
change during program 
Java is not supporting to 
change variable type
during the program

Google, Dropbox
Instagram, Firefox
Intel, AMD,
Apple, Twitter
Netflix, Spotify,

Advance Packages In Python...

  Python has more advanced packages with its growing community. These packages have various functionalities that help developers to do their work more effectively and easily without programming every single step. 

  GUI Packages

  •     PyQT5 - This is the most advance and best GUI to design interfaces with Python. It has more functions even animations, 3D graphics, and CSS. This package is the best option when coming to the interface designing field with python, but it had some complex functionalities for beginners. 
  •    Tkinter- Python Tkinter is another good package to design interfaces. Also, this package is a beginner-friendly one and not much complex as PyQT5 

Database Packages

  •    MySQL - In my experience MySQL is the best database option to use in Python, one example is PyQT5 direct supporting MySQL to bring database results to a UI. Also, MySQL is a fast database service
  •    MongoDB
  •    MariaDB

Network Scrapping

  •  Selenium
  •  Beautiful Soup 4
  •  Ixml
In the above, I explain to you some popular packages in popular fields, but there are tons of packages with Python even ethical hacking, and more others. You can try to learn it by installing, also we are presenting a post series about Python with every single step like GUI programming, Databases, and Ethical Hacking even the step-by-step Python Installing.

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